Timeline for a Personal Injury Lawsuit

What to expect at each state of a typical personal injury case that makes it to civil court.   If you think you might have a personal injury claim, you might be wondering what goes on in a typical case, and how long it takes. This article will walk you through the standard events and


Proving Fault in Personal Injury Accidents: General Rules

How to decide who is legally at fault for an accident or personal injury. Determining legal responsibility for an accident or injury (often called “liability”) can be complicated, but often rests on whether someone was careless or “negligent.” It’s easy enough to say that the person or business that caused an accident must pay for


10 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Workers’ Comp Claim

Without workers’ comp benefits, it can be difficult to make ends meet after a work injury. Unfortunately, too many injured workers make simple, but costly, mistakes during the workers’ comp claims process. If you’re injured at work, it’s important to understand your legal rights and responsibilities. Here are some practical tips on how to get


Workers Compensation in Maryland…What You Need to Know

If you suffer work-related injuries in Maryland, you may be entitled to compensation from your employer. The laws provide certain benefits intended to assist with your recovery and return to work. Maryland Workers’ Compensation claims can sometimes take years to resolve and often result in multiple hearings. Anthony W. Rogers has over 20 years of